SakuraCon Weekend

Monday, April 5, 2010

This is an interlude from my regular posts about the various nooks and crannies of New York. Last weekend, I took a crazy teaser vacation in Seattle! Although the weekend made me incredibly homesick upon my return, it was a great weekend for photography and observing people. SakuraCon is an annual anime convention in Seattle and I have gone for the last 7 years of my life (I know, it shows how much of a nerd I am). But, for now, enjoy the pictures and next week, expect a 750 word diatribe about writing and books and all those interesting sorts of things.

Also, shout out to all those who are doing ScriptFrenzy this year! I am, but it is proving harder to start than NaNoWriMo (since I am stuck on page one and horribly self-conscious around my characters). Hopefully I can persevere and come out with 100 pages by the end of this month! Good luck everyone!

Check out the smattering of SakuraCon photographs that I took in 2009.
You can also view some more posts featuring my photography.