Caught My Eye: Safe & Sexy Photography Project

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Safe and Sexy Photography Project is a website that features women in two outfits: their "sexiest" and their "safest," as chosen by the participants. The website also features captions that have the stories of why these women chose their outfits - I think it's really interesting to look at them first without reading and try to guess, then read and figure out which is which!

This project really speaks to the idea of different personal styles and beliefs about fashion. What someone might call safe, I might call sexy and what someone might call sexy, I would say is safe. Similarly, the women on this website are a range of ages; there are some older women that have more radical (at least in my opinion) sexy outfits than I myself would wear! Basically, I think this project opens the doors to looking at personal fashion choices and what they mean for the individual, rather than what the media feeds us in terms of "safe" and "sexy" labels.

 I do not own any of these images - they are the property of Sarah Hughes, the photographer.

Absorb some more media with the on-going Caught My Eye series.