Projects Wanted

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Please inquire within.

Today, when I came home, I realized... summer is going to be boring. I'll be in obvious anticipation of my entrance into college, but in the meantime, I definitely cannot just sit around and do nothing. I will honestly annoy myself to death with that - worst case scenario is actually the seasonal depression I feel during summer will return. And I don't want that!

So, instead, I must think of projects to do during the summer. The obvious ones are listed below:
- Beautifying J
- Reduce It (minimizing the amount of stuff I have around the house)
- Memory Collages (via digital photograph and real paper)
- Read (all the books on the shelf? done)
- College Blanket (less than 9 squares to go!)

But, aside from those, I need some creative ideas that might get me up and doing again! Let us brainstorm...
- NaNoWriMo (editing or start your version of the month with short stories)
- Learn to Cook (simple not baked goods stuff, something I've wanted to do forever)
- Craft Closet Bonanza (use all the stuff in there for something)

...I just ran out of ideas. Please help me!

Want to know how I broke out of boredom? Check out my DIY Interlude and Project x Project series to see the creative ways I eradicated the monotony.
Check out some more posts featuring my photography.