Fifteen Minutes

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is my fifteen minute blog before I go to bed tonight. Because I must go to bed by 1am so that I can wake up in time to shower and get to class tomorrow morning. I must.
I feel like work is sometimes beating me down and, rather than rising to the occasion, I sat down and took the beating this weekend. I did whatever I wanted to do for relaxation (a semi-marathon of Firefly, going on a yarn excursion, seeing Hamlet with Jude Law...) and had a ton of fun doing it! But then I came back down to earth and realized that I'm only 50% finished on certain assignments and that I need to edit an essay and figure out the rest of my LIFE.
Actually, the last part probably isn't true. Considering that assignments are not necessarily the end-all, be-all, I think I will be fine. Also, I'm blowing their need out of proportion considering that I have all of them due not tomorrow but further in the week... I just get stressed at certain inexplicable points in my life. And that's what happens when you want to do anything but work on the current task. Yep.
I will survive, mark my words! Just have to keep pushing.